1. Focus on quality!

Let’s start with the basics! The best electricians all have one thing in common - they provide a reliable service at a reasonable price. We know this goes without saying, but it can’t hurt to be reminded every once in awhile. Be professional, treat people with respect, show up on time, and always follow up. Your reputation is everything. Focus on quality over quantity, provide top-tier customer service, and good things will happen for you and your business.

2. Update your company’s online presence

How would you rate your electical company’s digital footprint? Do you have a solid, modern website or is your website in desperate need of a facelift? Take an honest look in the mirror and start writing a plan of action. It’s more affordable than ever to build a sleek website. It may cost as little as a few dollars a month. There are many do-it-yourself options that make it easy to upgrade your website without the need for technical skills.

3. Purchase leads from a lead generation company

There are several popular lead generation services that sell leads to electricians and electrical contractors. Buying electrical leads is one a simple way to start bidding on more jobs. These leads are often categorized by project type. For example, you can buy leads for a number of different projects, including 1) electrical outlet replacement, 2) electrical panel upgrades, 3) electrical vehicle charger installation, or 4) whole house generator installation. You are charged a fixed fee for each local lead that matches your account preferences.

4. Live your brand

Owning your own business is a full-time job in every sense of the word. While you may only work from 9 AM to 5 PM, you’re never really off the clock. You have to live your brand. You never know when you will meet your next customer. Every homeowner needs to hire an electrician at some point. Wear a t-shirt with your company name on it to your daughter’s soccer game. Put a vinyl wrap on your company vehicle so local people can know what you do for a living. Keep a few business cards with you at all times. Let people know that you are always open for business and ready to help!

5. Build relationships in your local community

Networking is intimidating to a lot of people, so let’s just call it “making connections” instead. Making connections is one of the most important parts of owning your own business. Every time you strike up a conversation with a stranger, you are presented with a new opportunity to talk about yourself and what you do for a living. It can’t hurt to ask if they need any electrical work done. You can be their go-to guy! Even if they say “no”, Just make sure you have always have a few business cards on hand to pass along.

6. Kick off a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign

PPC ads are a great way to find local customers that are actively looking to hire an electrician. You have the ability to target very specific keyword searches, such as “find electricians near me” or “best electricians in the Atlanta area”. A word of caution: If you’re not careful, PPC advertising can become pretty expensive. Make sure to check on your campaign regularly and set a daily budget that works for your business.

7. Find your competitive advantage

What sets you apart from other local electricians? Do you hold any special certifications? Do you have a specialty? For example, you may find that your most profitable jobs are for your commercial clients. You might want to spend more time marketing your services to these customers. You could even add the word “commercial” or “industrial” to the name of your company.

8. Join an association

There are several trade associations that electricians may consider joining. While there are many national organizations, you may find it more helpful to join a local affiliate or attend a smaller chapter meeting. Here, you can get to know your competitors and maybe learn some new skills. You may also find new referral sources or potential business partners. The possibilities are endless if you are willing to put yourself out there a little bit.

9. Never stop learning

Continuing your education is an important part of growing your electrical business. For example, you can earn new certifications, attend seminars, or even go to an electrical conference. With a new skill, you can expand your service offerings and find new revenue sources.

10. Understand the power of online reviews

Consumers love to read reviews. In some cases, they trust these reviews even more than recommendations from friends and family members. Who doesn’t want to hire an electrician with 25 five-star reviews? Instead of asking for a list of references, many of your potential clients will read a sampling of your reviews on Google, Facebook, or Yelp. Unfortunately, you may get a negative review from time to time. That’s just part of doing business. Try not to worry too much about it. People understand that mistakes happen from time to time.

11. Go old school with “snail mail”

Direct mail postcards can be a good way of targeting a specific set of zip codes. The card should include a picture - if possible - that makes people think of electricians. It could be a socket, a lightning bolt, or even a picture of yourself working. For example, you could send out a promotional coupon to a few neighborhoods where you know that you have had success in the past. Make sure your offer has an expiration date! This can help people act faster - putting more money in your pocket sooner than later.

12. Bring back lapsed clients

Your old customers are often your most reliable source of new business. It’s often cheaper to bring back a lapsed customer than to bring in a totally new client. There are now so many ways to contact people. You can use email, direct mail, text messaging, or even a phone call. For your commercial clients, you might even think about stopping by their business or setting up a face-to-face meeting.

13. Print new business cards

This is about as simple as it gets. While business cards may seem a little old-fashioned, they still work! If has been a few years since you had some new ones printed, think about ordering a new batch. It’s more affordable than ever to design and print business cards. There are many affordable options online - some even offer free design services.

14. Get listed in online directories

If you do a search for “local electricians” in Google, the first results are often online contractor directories. Are you listed in these directories? If not, it’s time to claim your spot in these listings. It’s free publicity for your electrical company. Make sure your phone number is up-to-date so potential customers can contact you for a quote.

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